The Metropolitan Los Angeles Branch Waterways, Harbors & Coastal Engineering Technical Group serves the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), its members and supporters by conducting periodic meetings for the advancement of knowledge in the technical fields related to waterways, harbors and shoreline protection, the professional application of this knowledge to the solution of engineering problems and the promotion of the overall objectives of ASCE. The goal of the Waterways, Harbors & Coastal Engineering Group in conducting periodic meetings is to provide informative presentations to its members and guests, and to provide them with an opportunity to exchange information and ideas for the benefit of all participants.
Meetings of the Waterways, Harbors & Coastal Engineering Technical Group are planned throughout the year as technical presentations and seminar events. If you would like to present one of your projects at one of our meetings, or if you have any particular related topic that may be of interest, please do not hesitate to contact any of the Waterways, Harbors & Coastal Engineering Group. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at asce.copri.la@gmail.com.