Civil Engineering is a vital component of what makes Los Angeles one of the best cities in the world. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Metropolitan Los Angeles Branch (MLAB) is excited to honor these Projects for their significant impact to the Civil Engineering community and Los Angeles.
Outstanding Airport/Port Project
Fourth Track at Ocean Boulevard
Port of Long Beach
The Fourth Track at Ocean Boulevard is a critical rail improvement project at the Port of Long Beach. Previous track capacity at the Project site is insufficient to meet growing demands for on-dock rail at East Basin terminals, hindering on-time delivery of U.S. goods and contributing to truck congestion, diminishing air quality, shipper costs, and reduced efficiency. It helped solve a bottleneck under the Ocean Boulevard crossing by adding a new fourth mainline track, realignment of 5,300 feet of existing tracks, installation of new centralized train control and signal systems, and two new retaining walls to reconfigure Harbor Scenic Drive.
The Project eliminates a rail bottleneck along the freight corridor serving the Port's East Basin on-dock rail facilities of Middle Harbor, Pier G and Pier J marine terminals. It is a critical link between the national freight rail network and the San Pedro Bay port complex. The project provides an additional 480,000 twenty-foot-equivalent units (TEU) of annual rail container capacity and increases freight network efficiency to address growing demand for on-dock rail service at the East Basin. By shifting goods to rail, the Project will divert nearly 900 trucks from the local roadway network each day, relieving congestion and reducing drayage truck traffic through adjacent disadvantaged communities.
It is part of a set of projects that will serve the Pier B On-Dock Rail Support Facility Program. The Construction Management team had to resolve many construction challenges, all while maintaining full operations for the existing railway. Close collaboration with the internal divisions and the collaboration with the contractor and other stakeholders in solving construction challenges ensured successful completion and accommodated tenants’ requests with minimal costs and delays.

Outstanding Architectural Engineering Project
North Hollywood Wastewater Conveyance Facility
City of LA, Bureau of Engineering
North Hollywood Wastewater Conveyance Facility is the second of the five existing Sanitation Sewer Maintenance Yards slated for a complete facility redevelopment.
The Bureau of Engineering Architectural Division has been working with the Bureau of Sanitation since 2006 in programming these yards for design and construction. The reconstruction of the North Hollywood facility, which was built originally in 1967, took approximately two years. The construction for the North Hollywood facility started on March 16, 2020, and was completed on February 28, 2023.
The rebuild was designed to improve wastewater management throughout the area with the convenience of a more modern and environmentally sound infrastructure. The recent extraordinary rainfall is a reminder on how maintaining the maximum capacity and efficiency of wastewater management resources is critically important. The building features high-efficiency solar panels as well as a cool roof.

Outstanding Bikeways & Trails Project
The Loynes Drive Complete Streets Project
City of Long Beach
The Loynes Drive Complete Streets Project in Long Beach exemplifies excellence in urban planning and sets a new standard for bike infrastructure. The project is a complete streets project which spans from Bellflower Boulevard to Pacific Coast Highway (CA-1). The project improves access to Jack Nichol, Marina Vista, and Channel View parks, playgrounds, Marine Stadium, and Bixby Village Golf Course.
By incorporating concrete buffers that physically separate cyclists from motor vehicles, the project significantly reduces the risk of accidents and creates a safer, more comfortable environment for cyclists. The protected Class IV bike lane ensures safe access for school children biking to school.
This project is innovative, enhances safety and community connectivity, and promotes sustainable transportation. In addition to promoting cycling as an attractive alternative to driving, the project directly contributes to reducing carbon emissions and traffic congestion, aligning with Long Beach’s commitment to environmental sustainability. The improved access to local parks, along with high-contrast crosswalks and ADA-compliant ramps, ensures inclusivity, benefiting pedestrians and individuals with disabilities, as well as all the quality of life of all residents in the community.

Outstanding Bridge Project and Outstanding Geotechnical Project
Soto Street Bridge over Valley Boulevard and UPRR Widening and Rehabilitation Project
City of LA, Bureau of Engineering
The Soto Street Bridge over Valley Boulevard and Union Pacific Railroad Widening and Rehabilitation Project is awarded for improving mobility, increasing public safety, and promoting multimodal transportation between the connecting communities.
The project is located along Soto Street between Alcazar Street and Multnomah Street in the City of Los Angeles. It rehabilitated and widened the existing multi-span Soto Street Bridge by approximately 25 feet to the west for a total bridge width of 79 feet. The widened bridge deck is supported by prestressed girders. The old curb barriers and sidewalks were replaced with new barriers, wider sidewalks, and shoulders to meet current standards for safer pedestrian access. The roadway beyond the bridge was also widened. Landscaping elements were also incorporated onto the newly constructed 600 feet long soldier pile retaining wall along Soto Street.
Stakeholder support played an instrumental role in enhancing the transportation experience while maintaining vehicular and pedestrian safety at the forefront. Thanks to collaboration with Union Pacific Railroad and the construction team’s commitment to delivering the project, the construction challenges were overcome successfully.

Outstanding Community Improvement Project
Wilmington Waterfront Promenade and Building Demolition
Port of Los Angeles
The Wilmington Waterfront Promenade Project is a 10 acre project which includes open green space, a public plaza, parking courts, and 1,400 linear feet of waterfront promenade. The project realigned Water Street, relocated underground utilities, reconstructed the seawall at Berths 182 to 186 including the installation of steel sheet pile wall, remediated asbestos and lead for 10 buildings, reconstructed and replaced the rock revetment and tidal stone, and constructed a lookout pier, floating dock landing, landscaping, hardscaping, restroom building, and playground.
The project improves access to visitors of all ages, implements innovative features such as the creation of a green roof on a restroom that is tucked into a hillside and incorporation of bioswales/bioretention basins to comply with Low Impact Development, and adds community serving facilities such as a new overwater pier with an interactive play net and spectacular tidal steps that make the water feel closer to the waterfront
The design started in 2015, and after five years of design, and lots of challenges managing scope, cost, and schedule, it was opened to the public. Challenges ranged from stakeholder coordination and community buy-in to property transfers, scope creep, permitting, extensive architectural/structural design elements, and working through a pandemic. The Port will learn from these challenges and further improve the space as the public uses it.

Outstanding Construction Project
LADWP River Supply Conduit Improvement Upper Reach Unit 7 (RSC7)
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP)
The River Supply Conduit Improvement Upper Reach Unit 7 (RSC7) Project is a major infrastructure improvement to LA’s water system. The project installed over 13,325 linear feet of new 78-inch diameter welded steel pipeline primarily through tunneling methods.
The original River Supply Conduit was built in the 1940’s and this project’s purpose was to replace that major artery to LA’s water system. The project helped replace aging infrastructure, meet State regulatory requirements for operating pressure, increased overall capacity of the trunkline, and improved overall system reliability.
By making the water system more resilient, all Angelenos are benefited. The RSC7 will allow water to be transported from the North Hollywood Pump Station to the new Headworks Underground Reservoir Complex, and will serve Angelenos safe, reliable, and efficient water supply for generations to come.

Outstanding Emergency Response Project
Fix the 10: Initial Repairs for Reopening
The Fix the 10 project helped the region recover from a sudden fire incident. On November 11, 2023, a fire erupted under the I-10 -Santa Monica Freeway between Alameda Street and Santa Fe Avenue in Downtown Los Angeles. The fire rapidly grew spreading across 80,000 square feet where pallets, trailers and vehicles were being stored as well as to adjacent structures, shutting down the busy I-10 freeway in both directions. It took over 160 Los Angeles Fire Department firefighters more than 3 hours to gain control of the fire. When Caltrans engineers were finally allowed access to inspect the bridge, they found discoloration, spalling, cracking of concrete, exposed reinforcement, and structural damage to the column and bridge joints Full freeway closure tremendously impacted the driving public, affecting 300,000 commuters daily.
Time was of the essence to restore the freeway to the public. Within the first two days, 154 truckloads of debris were removed from the site. Simultaneously, temporary shoring systems were immediately constructed to support loads on the bridges. To ensure the bridge integrity and safety, multiple stages of repair work were scheduled. The initial stage focuses on 65 column repairs, with subsequent stages to restore other bridge components. Construction occurred 24/7 for eight days. Temporary shoring utilized 870,000 pounds of beams, posts, and steel; all damaged bridge railings were replaced, and burnt electrical items were repaired.
The freeway opened to the public ten days later, on November 21. Due to the hard work and coordination of the City of Los Angeles, State of California, and Federal Government, elected leaders and technical staff, this work became a testament to the strength and unity of everyone working towards a shared goal of rebuilding and reconnecting the community.

Outstanding Energy Project
IceBrick® Innovation Center @ the Beverly Hilton
Nostromo Energy
The IceBrick Innovation Center is a 1.4 megawatt-hour energy storage system installed inside the Beverly Hilton which also serves the adjacent Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills.
By supplying energy for cooling the buildings, the system will cut 50% of its current cooling costs and reduce CO2 emissions by 150-200 metric tons annually, or more than 5,000 metric tons for the lifespan of the system. This project proves that a 69-year-old, iconic building can be retrofitted into a state-of-the-art Grid Interactive Asset and supports the City of Los Angeles in its sustainability goals. During this retrofit, 300,000 pounds of IceBrick cells and supporting hydraulic and electric equipment were brought in through a 3-foot corridor and installed in a refurbished old boiler room. The system can freeze 150,000 pounds of encapsulated water into ice every day, from sunrise till sunset, using electricity which is mainly generated by solar. The IceBrick uses the existing cold water distribution pipes to thaw the ice and avoid the electricity consumption of the chillers in the early evening, thereby avoiding the peak power demand that bears the highest carbon emissions from the electric grid.
The IceBrick® design perfectly complements the Beverly Hilton's commitment to environmental awareness and enhances the property's overall value. As air conditioning in commercial buildings accounts for approximately 35% of Los Angeles peak electricity demand, it is an example for other commercial buildings to help shape the transition of Los Angeles and other cities into a renewable future.

Outstanding Environmental Engineering Project and Outstanding Water / Wastewater Treatment Project
Los Angeles River and Arroyo Seco Low Flow Diversion Projects (TOS-14)
City of LA, Bureau of Engineering & Stantec
The LA River and Arroyo Seco Low Flow Diversion project aims to divert dry-weather flows from the storm drains and into existing sanitary sewers to be treated at the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant and to provide community enhancement, through water quality improvement and recreation.
The City of Los Angeles is implementing a series of new low-flow diversion pump stations to prevent pollution-saturated dry-weather low-flow water from entering the LA River and the Arroyo Seco. These pump stations are located below city streets, as close as possible to these water bodies, to intercept the maximum low-flow water possible.
By intercepting this low-flow water before it enters the LA River and the Arroyo Seco, the City is committed to taking concrete steps towards improving water quality and environmental conditions in the City of Los Angeles.

Outstanding Flood Management Project
La Plata Avenue Drain Replacement Project
Los Angeles County Flood Control District
The La Plata Avenue Drain Replacement Project in Hacienda Heights, Los Angeles County, upgraded a storm drain system originally constructed in 1960. Initiated after a 2017 storm revealed extensive calcium carbonate buildup that severely clogged the system, Los Angeles County Public Works replaced approximately 3,500 linear feet of reinforced concrete pipes with dual-wall polypropylene pipes. This material not only prevents further buildup but also ensures durability and easier maintenance. Additionally, the project realigned the drainage from under sidewalks to the street, enhancing maintenance access and operational efficiency.
As one of the largest implementations of dual-wall polypropylene pipe by Los Angeles County Public Works, this project stands out for its innovation and sustainability, reduced maintenance costs, and improved flood risk management. Overcoming numerous challenges, the project team set a new standard in drainage system upgrades, improving the community's quality of life, and serving as a model for future public works projects.
The successful completion of this project in 2023 highlights its significance and potential for application in similar initiatives.

Outstanding Operations & Maintenance Project
Big Dalton and San Dimas Dams Access Improvements Project
Los Angeles County Public Works
The Big Dalton and San Dimas Dams Access Improvements Project restored and improved the facility access, enhancing Los Angeles County Public Works’ ability to operate, maintain, and respond to emergencies at both dams. Improvements included concrete access roads, new emergency response heliports, a single span bridge, flood protection structure, and other essential maintenance repairs.
The Big Dalton and San Dimas Dams provide critical flood protection and water conservation for downstream communities. To ensure the continued safe operation of the dams, the Big Dalton and San Dimas Dams Access Improvements Project restored and improved the access to the facilities.
This enhances Los Angeles County Public Works’ ability to operate, maintain, and respond to emergencies at both dams. The project included improved concrete access roads, new emergency response heliports, a new single-span bridge, a new flood protection structure, and other essential maintenance repairs.

Outstanding Parks and Recreation Project
San Fernando Regional Park Infiltration Project
City of San Fernando & CWE
The San Fernando Regional Park Infiltration Project was identified in the Upper Los Angeles River Enhanced Watershed Management Program Plan as a priority regional project and assists the ULAR group in addressing applicable Total Maximum Daily Loads and water quality priorities. The 9.5-acre park includes the San Fernando Regional Pool and Community Center, a children’s play area, and athletic fields. The project addresses discharges from within the City of San Fernando into Pacoima Wash and ultimately the Los Angeles River by capturing wet- and dry-weather runoff from over 940 acres within the City of San Fernando and City of Los Angeles. The project diverts runoff from multiple storm drains and conveys diverted runoff to a subsurface infiltration system, which improves water quality and replenishes groundwater supplies.
The City of San Fernando implemented the project to improve water quality while providing multiple benefits. The project diverts and captures wet- and dry-weather runoff from over 940 acres, effectively reducing pollutant loads that would otherwise enter Pacoima Wash and the Los Angeles River. The captured runoff is pretreated and then discharged into a subsurface storage system that facilitates infiltration at the San Fernando Regional Park, resulting in groundwater recharge. The project also educates the public, through permanent signage, and incorporates community outreach on its benefits.
The project has a single storm capture volume of over 25 acre-feet and is expected to recharge over 320 acre-feet annually. The project was funded through state and Flood Control District grants and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, with all parties working together to implement this sustainable infrastructure.

Outstanding Roadway & Highway Project
Huntington Drive Complete Street Project
Los Angeles County Public Works
The Huntington Drive Complete Street Project provides a multi-benefit project to promote multi-modal transportation and increase safety and mobility in the unincorporated communities of East Pasadena and East San Gabriel.
Huntington Drive is a major thoroughfare in the San Gabriel Valley. Los Angeles County Public Works delivered on a multi-benefit project along the 1.3-mile stretch, incorporating Class II buffered bike lanes, a new traffic signal with an enhanced crosswalk, bioswales, median landscaping, and road reconstruction.
These improvements increase pedestrian safety and accessibility and promote active transportation through the corridor while enhancing the climate resiliency of the community.

Outstanding Small Project
Cordova Complete Streets Project
City of Pasadena
The Cordova Complete Streets project installed 1.5-mile-long Class II buffered bike lanes on Cordova Street from Hill Avenue to Arroyo Parkway as well as street enhancements across all modes of travel. The new “complete streets” configuration consists of a travel lane and Class II bike lanes in each direction, a bi-directional left turn lane, parking on both sides of the street, and crosswalk curb extensions to reduce the pedestrian crossing distances at eight intersections.
The project also upgraded traffic signal equipment, including electrical conduits, controllers, cabinets, and fiber optic communication. In addition, video detection equipment was upgraded for improved bicycle detection and functionality. Roadway improvements included resurfacing of the pavement on Cordova Street, Hill Avenue to Arroyo Parkway, installation of 58 ADA-compliant curb ramps, and repairs of damaged concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter within the project limits.
Project design was completed in 2021, Pasadena City Council awarded the construction contract to California Professional Engineering, Inc. in August 2022, and construction began in March 2023. The successful completion of this project connects the City’s major institutions, businesses, employment centers, and shopping areas via an enhanced roadway network available to all users.

Outstanding Structural Engineering Project
Delta Sky Way at LAX
The Delta Sky Way project at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) involved the consolidation and modernization of Terminals 2 and 3 into one holistic operation with shared landside and airside services and a uniform customer experience. The redevelopment included 680,000 square feet of new and retrofitted construction, increasing capacity for both passengers and airplanes.
All existing Terminal 3 buildings, except the 1958 satellite building, were demolished and rebuilt completely new to create an enhanced customer journey from curb to gate, including more automated security lanes, increased gate seating, and state of the art concession areas. The added Tom Bradley International Terminal connector closes the gap between Terminal 3 and the international terminal, eliminating the need for passenger bus transportation between terminals. The Terminal 3 satellite building was seismically retrofitted and expanded to meet current airport standards. All Terminal 2 buildings were retrofitted selectively to meet the requirements of the existing building code and to fit with Delta’s brand at LAX.
Arup is the civil, structural and MEP engineer of record and the prime consultant for Delta Air Lines, leading multiple firms and providing a full suite of multidisciplinary engineering, planning, design, and consulting services. Arup delivered over 30 multidisciplinary phases, including 8 major structural building permit packages and 10 structural enabling packages, to keep Delta Air Lines operational during construction. The reduction in traffic during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 allowed Arup, Delta, and the contractor to pivot to accelerated construction phasing. This acceleration required agile re-design of several areas and allowed work to be completed 18 months ahead of schedule. Gensler joined the Arup team, providing architectural design, and Hensel Phelps was the general contractor. Saiful Bouquet worked with Arup’s structural team as the associate partner with particular focus on the Terminal 3 concourse and satellite retrofit.

Outstanding Sustainable Engineering Project
Mesmer Low Flow Diversion Project
City of Culver City & CWE
The City of Culver City implemented the Mesmer Low Flow Diversion to meet the Ballona Creek Enhanced Watershed Management Program need for LFDs to address the dry-weather Total Maximum Daily Loads in the Ballona Creek Watershed and improve water quality.
The project is located on Centinela Creek, a tributary of Ballona Creek Estuary, downstream from Ballona Creek Reaches 1 and 2. Centinela Creek, at the location of the diversion, receives flow from a 6,288-acre drainage area. The jurisdictions are the City of Culver City, contributing 954 acres; the City of Inglewood, contributing 1,563 acres; the City of Los Angeles, contributing 1,961 acres; and the County of Los Angeles, contributing 1,810 acres. The project drainage area is composed of commercial, single-family, and multi-family residential land uses.
The project is one of the largest dry-weather diversions to the sewer in terms of the tributary drainage areas. The project captures dry-weather runoff generated in a 6,288-acre drainage area and is part of a set of three projects being used to address dry-weather water quality requirements in the Ballona Creek Watershed. This runoff then is transported to the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant to be treated and reused as recycled water. The project repurposed an existing sewer lift station to divert dry-weather runoff to the sewer, which saved time and money.. It utilizes innovative controls to turn on and off the pumps, including an onsite rain gage and flow monitoring equipment.

Outstanding Telecommunications Project
Los Angeles Regional Interoperative Communications System (LA-RICS)
The LA-RICS project is a state-of-the-art network solely dedicated to emergency responders which advances emergency communication and public safety in the Los Angeles region. Through innovative technology integration, robust community resilience initiatives, and a scalable infrastructure design, LA-RICS significantly enhances coordination among various agencies, embodying innovation, resilience, and collaboration in the pursuit of safeguarding lives and property during emergencies.
The project includes comprehensive training programs for emergency responders and technical staff, and rigorously measures performance to show its tangible benefits and provide for continuous improvement. LA-RICS collaboration between public agencies, private firms, and community stakeholders exemplifies the power of effective public-private partnerships in addressing complex challenges.
AESCO, the geotechnical engineering and materials testing partner, played a pivotal role in ensuring the project's success through its meticulous geotechnical investigations, foundation recommendations, and slope stability analyses across over 200 sites throughout Los Angeles County, including Catalina Island. Additionally, AESCO's comprehensive material testing services, including concrete, foundations, rebar, structural steel, and masonry inspections, have upheld the highest standards of quality and integrity in the construction of LA-RICS infrastructure. AESCO’s unwavering commitment to excellence and expertise has significantly contributed to enhancing emergency communication and public safety in the Los Angeles region.

Outstanding Transportation Project
Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Center
City of Santa Clarita & RailPros
The Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Center is the 67th Station on the Metrolink System and the 4th in the City of Santa Clarita. This station will bring transit-oriented development and serve all transportation modes to reduce air pollution by bringing rail service and growth to the region. This project required innovative solutions to build the station and rail bridge while also maintaining rail operations throughout construction. The station platform was relocated to avoid costly relocation of a fiber line and built in phases while trains ran on a single-track during construction. In an extensively coordinated weekend between the Contractor, City and SCRRA, Control Point Humphreys was relocated and cut over and train operations were cut over to the new main line track with no delays to Monday morning passenger service.
Colored concrete plaster and stone veneer were installed on the walls of the project to mimic the surrounding environment and provide the sense of finding gold veins in the different layers of rock within the pedestrian underpass. Platform canopies simulate the shovels that were used by workers to find gold, and the seeded aggregate paving extends the gold vein theming onto the station platform.
The project had a high level of coordination between the City, different governing Agencies, Stakeholders, Contractors, Construction Management Team and Design team. This project achieved SITES Certified Status, which is difficult to accomplish on linear railroad transportation projects. The station was completed in August 2023 and opened to the public with a ribbon cutting ceremony on October 20, 2023.

Outstanding Urban or Land Development Project
843 N. Spring Street
Sherwood Design Engineers
The 843 North Spring Street project has been reimagined as a unique collection of flexible spaces for use by creative office and retail tenants.
Developed by Redcar Properties and designed by LEVER Architecture, four new floors prominently feature cross-laminated timber (CLT) and are built above the existing structure of a single story commercial building and its underground parking garage, resulting in one of the city’s first and largest CLT office structures. A tiered vertical garden, designed by James Corner Field Operations – known for New York City’s transformative High Line Park – connects a landscaped public plaza with each floor of the building above, merging indoor and outdoor spaces and maximizing natural light and open space, connecting this dense Chinatown neighborhood with nature.
Through Sherwood Design Engineers’ review of existing utility services on the project, most could be reused, greatly minimizing the need for new services and allowing the utility budget to be redirected to other project costs. Sherwood also led the development of the project’s sustainable water strategy, including the strategic placement and innovative connection of two cisterns, adding up to more than 15,000 gallons of storage capacity within otherwise unused volumes of space in the parking garage. This innovative harvesting system captures rainwater from rooftops and other hard surfaces and treats it for purity and safety before it’s used for onsite irrigation, reducing reliance on municipal water supplies, lowering utility costs, and sets a new standard for low impact development in Downtown Los Angeles.

Outstanding Water Project
Peck Reservoir Replacement Project
City of Manhattan Beach & Stantec
The Peck Reservoir Replacement Project is the second largest capital improvement project in recent history for the City of Manhattan Beach. It is the replacement of the City’s largest drinking water storage reservoir, which is approximately 8,000,000 gallons in size, more than 60-years-old and needed replacement.
The project enhances the City’s drinking water storage and system reliability to help ensure long-term dependability. In addition, the project will balance the use of local groundwater with the current imported supply. Bringing the existing facilities and equipment up to today’s standards helps to protect the water supply and distribution for the residents of Manhattan Beach.
Project elements included the construction of a new 8,000,000 gallon reservoir, pump station control building, operations control building, groundwater treatment facility, and offsite pipeline replacement as well as the addition of California Native Landscape.
